Battle on Kosovo ~ Julia Gorin Truth

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Battle on Kosovo

If a Web site were created just to record the daily lies of world leaders, politicians and quazi bloggers like Julia Gorin, overwork would soon wipe out its staff. But sometimes a week delivers such breathtaking dishonesty that someone has to step in to award them. Here goes:

The liar's medal for the last week in June 2007 goes to Serbian "patriots" who sought to march into Kosovo to remind the world of Belgrade's historical claims to that wretched territory - based on Serbia's defeat by the Ottoman Turks in 1389.

File this one under "What They Don't Tell You." Yes, the Serbs suffered a military calamity at Kosovo Field, where the better-disciplined Turks made short work of them. In the Serbs' national myth, Prince Lazar and his warriors were stalwart defenders of Christianity, embodying a great Serbian tradition that endures to this day.

What those Serb nationalists (who brought the world Srebrenica genocide and still protect war criminals) leave out is that, a mere seven years later, in 1396, the Turkish sultan, Beyazit the Thunderbolt, slaughtered a huge Christian army at Nicopolis. And he did it with Serb help.

Christian knights from France, Burgundy, Flanders, England, Bohemia and Hungary had united in a last crusade to drive the Turks from Europe. The Turks crushed them - as their new Serb allies delivered the coup de grace against their fellow Christians, then chilled out as thousands of prisoners were beheaded.

Nicopolis set the conditions for a Muslim military presence in Europe for the next five centuries. Thanks, Serbia but please don't help us again.

1 Comment:

Peshkatari said...

Don't forget that, contrary to what the Serbs would have one believe, they didn't fight Kosovo Polje all by their lonesome-it was actually a coalition that included Croats, Albanians, Bosnians, and Hungarians, IIRC. Plus, the battle was "lost" (I say that because many respected military historians consider the Serbs to have actually won, albeit barely-the losses they suffered though could not be as easily recouped by them as by the Turks, though) because of the treachery of turncoat Serbs who decided to work for Bayazid.